What is WHOIS?

The .APP WHOIS database contains a list of all registered .APP domain names and can give information on whether a domain is registered already, when it is going to expire, and in some cases who the registrant is.

Simply enter the full .APP domain name into the search bar above and hit enter to see the info. If there are no results then it is likely that the domain name is still available!

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Who runs the .APP domains registry?

.APP Sponsoring Organisation

Charleston Road Registry Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043
United States

Administrative Contact

Google Inc.
111 8th Avenue
New York, NY 10011
United States

Technical Contact

Google Inc
76 9th Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10011
United States

.APP Registry Information

Registry Information

TLD Created 25th Jun, 2015
WHOIS Server whois.nic.google
Registry Website https://www.registry.google
DNSSEC Supported Yes
DNSSEC Algorithm (8) RSA/SHA-256
DNSSEC Digest Type (2) SHA-256

.APP TLD Nameservers

Hostname IP Addresses
ns-tld1.charlestonroadregistry.com 2001:4860:4802:32:0:0:0:69
ns-tld2.charlestonroadregistry.com 2001:4860:4802:34:0:0:0:69
ns-tld3.charlestonroadregistry.com 2001:4860:4802:36:0:0:0:69
ns-tld4.charlestonroadregistry.com 2001:4860:4802:38:0:0:0:69
ns-tld5.charlestonroadregistry.com 2001:4860:4805:0:0:0:0:69