Protect your information
with FREE WHOIS Privacy

WHOIS Privacy Protection is included FREE with ALL eligible domains

How does WHOIS Privacy Protection work?

When your domain name has full WHOIS Privacy Protection enabled we replace all the associated contact information with our privacy service data.

This protects your WHOIS data used for spammers, marketers, junk mail, and dodgy phone calls.

How do I enable FREE WHOIS Privacy Protection?

When you're ordering or transferring a domain registration simply check the Privacy Protection checkbox to protect your domain registration with our full FREE WHOIS Privacy Protection.

Already with In your client area, click Domains -> Privacy Protection to enable.

Compare WHOIS Disclosures

Unprotected Non-EU Registrant

For non-EU registrants the full WHOIS contact information is made public.

Registrant Name: Your Name Here
Registrant Organization: Your Company
Registrant Street: 123 Your Street
Registrant City: Your City
Registrant State/Province: Your State
Registrant Postal Code: YOUR POSTCODE
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.YOUR PHONE NUMBER
Registrant Email: YOU@EMAIL.PROVIDER

EU Registrant (GDPR)

For EU registrants the WHOIS is mostly redacted due to GDPR. Some fields which are not considered personal information, such as city and country, are still shown.

Registrant Organization: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
Registrant State/Province: Reading
Registrant Postal Code: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
Registrant Country: GB
Registrant Email: contact via https://...

Full WHOIS Privacy Protection

With full WHOIS Privacy no registrant data is published in the WHOIS and usually isn't shared with the domain registry.

Registrant Name: c/o Limited
Registrant Organization: Registrant of
Registrant Street: 6 Thornes Office Park Monckton Road
Registrant City: Wakefield
Registrant State/Province: West Yorkshire
Registrant Postal Code: WF2 7AN
Registrant Country: GB
Registrant Phone: +49.68416984300
Registrant Email:

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Want to disclose?

Often companies want to actively opt-in to showing their full details in WHOIS as this can be particularly useful for EV SSL Certificate verification and building trust with your customers by being transparent with your contact data. Full disclosure is limited to .com, .net and .uk domains due to limited GDPR implementations with most other domain name registries.

Raise a ticket to disclose your WHOIS data


If you don't have an EU address, or you're not an EU resident your whois contact details won't be redacted automatically in the WHOIS.

If you are an EU resident, you may still like to remove the minor details shown, or ensure the WHOIS shows a valid postal address instead of "REDACTED FOR PRIVACY"  you can achieve this with full privacy

When checking your domain name WHOIS data you may see "REDACTED FOR PRIVACY" - This shows when the data is hidden from the public WHOIS due to GDPR and is just placeholder text. 

This does not necessarily mean the underlying contact details for the domain are actually set to "REDACTED FOR PRIVACY".

The WHOIS database contains a list of all registered domain names.

If you would like to see the publicly available details on your domain, or see the availability of a domain you're interested in then please use the WHOIS lookup tool

WHOIS searches are free and can be done by anyone, though be aware that some services may keep a copy of the records. Our tool doesn't cache any records so you can be sure your data isn't stored without your knowledge.